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Mountain View Family Center

Inspiring Each Student to Succeed Every Day

Child Care Available - Tonight's Immigration Law Clinic (In-Person & Virtual)

Posted Date: 2/19/25 (6:26 PM)

Good Morning MVSD Families and Staff, 

Please see the following information on childcare, one-on-one consultations and parking for tonight's event: 

FREE Immigration Law Clinic
🗓️ TODAY, February 19, 2025 
⌛ 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. 
🙋🏼 In Person: 
Payne Elementary School
2850 Mountain View Road, El Monte, CA 91732
🧑‍💻 Virtually
Meeting ID: 834 7488 4388

FREE Childcare Available
We are happy to share that onsite, childcare will be available during tonight's Immigration Law Clinic, hosted at Payne Elementary School from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Attorney Consultations
If you are joining us in person and are interested in speaking to an immigration law attorney, one-on-one consultations will be available on a first-come first-served basis, AFTER our Know Your Rights presentation. Once you arrive, please check-in to receive a ticket. 

If you are joining us virtually, our attorneys will meet with attendees in a Zoom breakout room, AFTER the Know Your Rights presentation. Please stay on the call to be placed into an available breakout room. 

PLEASE NOTE: Our volunteer attorneys will see as many attendees as possible within the allotted meeting time of 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Due to the nature of this event, there is no guarantee that everyone who receives a ticket (in-person) or logs into the Zoom call (virtually) will be seen, but we will try our best to meet our attendees' needs. 

Additional Resources
Please note that our MVSD Immigration & Family Resources page has a listing of legal aid services under the "Find Legal Aid" section. 

Payne Elementary has four parking locations available for this event: two off of Mountain View Rd., a small lot off of Magnolia St, and parking in the yard off of Cogswell Rd. Please arrive early to secure your spot. If you park in the community, please check for any signage and be mindful of our neighbors. 

THANK YOU and please comment here if you have any questions. See you at tonight's event. 

[Wednesday, Feb 19 at 4:37 PM]
Good Afternoon MVSD Families & Staff,

Our Immigration Law Clinic will begin shortly at 5:00 p.m., via Zoom and in person at Payne Elementary School, 2850 Mountain View Road, El Monte.

Visit or log on to have a FREE consultation with an experienced immigration attorney or representative, courtesy of the Mexican American Bar Association.

Thank you for attending and sharing this valuable resource.